Saturday, July 16, 2011

House training a Jack Russel? Tips or way you succeeded with this please?

i took my jack russell out from 8 weeks old ... no puppy pads ... you should take the dog out every two hours around the clock for four days ... and then after every meal, every play session, after walking up the pup should be taken outside ... and patience ... if you are standing there getting annoyed the pup is taking so long, the pup feels that and sometimes it will stop them from going ... so be patient :O) and reinforce with appropriate crate training (one hour in the crate for every month the dog has been alive up to 6 hours in total) ... the dog should never be left unattended until he is housebroken because you can't discipline what you did not see ... and when watching the pup try to catch the cues he does before he has an accident so when you see him start to turn around or sniff, you can call out hey and hurry him outdoors ... when my pup was than young i would sometimes scoop her up and carry her outside to avoid an accident indoors ... that housebroke my jack with one accident in 12 years ... and of course, don't forget the extreme praise for every drop of urine and every poop the pup drops outdoors :O)

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