Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How can I prepare for my first sparring for Boxing?

2 months later I'm going to be sparring with the chairman of my gym (former WBA Minimum weight boxer who was world ranked 3rd) and I really want to impress him as he knows I have been working really hard in the gym. I'm about 120.8 lbs and 5 ft 8.4 in. I have been working out on my bicep/triceps, legs anabdominalls as well as chest so I could become more physically fit, and have re-started road working as I had my semester exams and I just spent most of my time studying. But now that's over and my summer vacation has started, I can train all day to get prepared. But the thing is, I haven't learned how to head slip, duck, weave, or any defensive techniques, all I know is to jab, right cross and throw a left hook, nothing else. But I'm sure the chairman will teach me shortly. The point of the question is, is there anything else I could work on? To people who are experienced, it would be appreciated if you all would lend me some helpful tips (muscle workouts, roadworks, etc)

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