Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Boxing counter hits and advice?

i need help, so me and my friend where boxing, so we boxed but the problem is i'm new, but he knows nothing about boxing, so what he does is just goes at it all, he keeps on punching and punching, the thing is i just keep on defending myself, he trys to hit my face and never the body so i put the gloves near my face so as he keeps on hitting me he hits the gloves, so i got him with a right hock and knocked him out, but i don't punch as much, i got a few good hits on the face since he is always open, any help? we are going to box again tomorrow, i know a little more about boxing than him since i go to a gym, but i'm a new boxer its my first month today,so any help? any videos? he really doesn't hurt me (PS who would you think would of won, it was 1 round 3 minutes, he keeps on hitting me, well trying to him me on the face, but hits my gloves, i knocked him out with a right hock, and i got about 8 face shots, 5 left jabs and 3 right hocks, he got him in the face like 5 times, but the rest were the gloves, but he keeps on hitting me so i started to bleed alittle from the nose since i'm not use to getiting hit in the nose) Thanks for taking your time

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