Sunday, July 17, 2011

Something happend to my ear the other day please explain what happend. The other day I was fine I fell asleep?

all of A sudden I hear A realy loud nouse in my ear it was painful it was A jabbing pain I heard like water or like wind pushing really hard againest my ear drum for 2minutes it freaked me out. I went to the hospital and the Dr, gave me anitbotics to take and said my left ear was very inflammed and very raw. I dont understand how this weird thing happend to me I had no idication of any ear pain at all! I am very upset and scared I am going to lose my hearing. I been having horrible anxietyattacks over this. I was also refered to an ent but scared to go because I have this thing with my ears my ear is muffled but not as bad as the day it happend sounds like its wind or something please tell me what happend to me. I am sooo scared its going to happen again thankyou!

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