Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do you find it strange that GSP is one of the most beloved fighters in UFC history & yet his fights are boring?

did you forget he couldve only seen out of one eye for the last 3 rounds? and still beat sheilds....these guys go in 100% everytime they fight gsp for the title, and gsp dominates them, thats not easy, holding a title isn't easy..silva does it but the welterweight division is a lot more stacked than the middleweight...the pressure has always been on gsp on all his fights, the challengers dont face alot of pressure because they are fighting one of the best in the world so loosing is practically expected, but gsp is always expected to win and has a lot more on the line than any of his challengers...ok his fights haven't been the most exciting in ufc, but to say his fights are boring is just bullshit..if thats the case then u shuld be watching boxing or k1

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